How To Ship A Boat Overseas

Determine The Shipping Method To Be Used – Understanding how to ship a boat overseas means knowing the methods available for boat shipment. This will depend on the overall size and weight of the boat. Some methods for boat shipping can include roll on roll off vessels, container shipping, and lift on lift off for large yachts and over sized boats.

Choose A Shipping Company – Your choice of shipping company is important. Choose a company that knows how to ship a boat overseas because of extensive experience in this industry. You want a company with an excellent reputation and great business history so you get quality service. A good shipping company can answer any questions and help guide you through the shipping process.

Know The Customs Requirements For The Destination Country – When determining how to ship a boat overseas you need to know the customs requirements in place for the country the boat is being shipped to. Some countries may have certain requirements, such as fumigation requirements to prevent any invading pests or steam cleaning requirements. Failing to meet any special customs requirements could cause a delay in the delivery of your boat.

Gather All Necessary Documentation – International boat shipment has a number of required documents and paperwork that must be complete and on hand during the shipping process. You may be required to have the original title or bill of sale, copies of a letter of permission from the lien holder if the boat has a lien on it, the shipping documents provided by the shipping company, proof of the boat value, any certificates needed, and other documents.