When choosing an American boat shipping company, one must find a proper one which has the suitable experience, authority and equipment to transport your boat safely. It is upon you to make sure that the boat company you have chosen is reliable and your boat reaches its destination safely. You must conduct a research into the boat company’s authority, former business record and insurance provided and estimate whether it will deliver your boat properly.
Check authority of boat transport: Before hiring the service of American boat shipping company to move your boat from USA to overseas – you must ensure that the company possesses Federal Maritime Commission authority. A genuine shipper should check this at www.fmc.gov to ensure that the company has got the registration for boat transport.
Check for insurance for boat shipping: After checking whether the company is authorized legally to ship your boat overseas, check whether they have insurance. International maritime laws limit the liability of the vessel carriers and cargo shipping companies, so make you you research the adequate insurance options.
While using insurance provided by an American boat shipping company, points to consider are:
+ The company must offer Cargo Insurance policy and not a policy for personal insurance while carrying a cargo not owned by them.
+ The company must offer cargo insurance for All Risk and Total Loss options.
+ Estimate the value of your boat and make sure that insurance covers its cost or pays a little more.
+ Be informed on deductibles as well as process for claims. Find out how fast claims are dealt with and the way in which to submit for damages.
+ It is wise to establish contact with your provider of boat insurance with plans for shipping the boat. Check whether your current insurance covers you against losses when a company ships your boat.
Thus while hiring a company to ship your boat, you must make sure that the company must be registered and authorized for boat shipping. Also ensure that your American boat shipping company has adequate insurance cover.